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Day 3

Do you know why most people choose not to buy a product or service? Trust. That's it. Trust. If the customer does not trust you, or trust the product after you have explained it, he or she is not going to want to part with his or her hard earned cash. 


You can be the most knowledgable person on the planet when it comes to the product line, but if the customer does not feel comfortable around you they WILL go to someone else to buy it. There are steps you can take to prevent this from happening.

Get the Customer's Attention

Think back to the last purchase you made. Did you plan to make that purchase? Was it a new vehicle? A video game console? Jewelry? If you had not specifically planned to make that purchase, what caused you to buy it on the spur of the moment?  What about it grabbed your attention? For each person it may be something different, but the end result of a successful attention grabber is the same.  You either became their customer or referred them to their next customer.


Get people interested in you! What is it going to take to grab the prospective customer’s attention?  Find out!  Be creative and experiment!  Maybe you can do something for them that allows them to interact with you, like a game or a contest. Maybe you dress up in something distinctive?  Incorporate your personality and brand name into it!  For example, when the newest season of “Game of Thrones” began, one of our associates dressed up in a Renaissance outfit to work the booth at the local flea market.  Think about how many people’s interest that must have drawn! What if you are a potential customer at one of our shows? Would you stop if you saw a pretty girl handing out fliers? Or would you rather let the kids play Corn Hole? Maybe stop to watch the movie playing on the screen? When you find something that works, use it to your advantage. If it stops working figure out how to tweak it to your advantage.

Build Rapport

Show interest in others. What personal connection can you make with a total stranger? Each person is different so use any clues at your disposal to determine how you want to approach someone. You normally can find at least one thing to talk about. Are they wearing a sports emblem? Do they have kids with them? What about tattoos? Can you comment on a distinct piece of jewelry or accessory? After you have established a connection, start lowering the wall of resistance and overcoming any objections the prospect may have.


Engage them in conversation.  Be genuine and actually listen to what they have to say.  Use this step to learn more about them and their likes and dislikes, buying habits, and lifestyle. This will help you start narrowing down what product you want to focus on helping them buy.  It also is the beginning of developing a strategy on how to sell it to them.


Lower the wall of Resistance. Start directing the conversation towards the product.  Can you see how standoffish they are?  How much are they resistant to you?  How much do they trust you (or not)?   Start addressing any objections or concerns they raise while they are talking to you.  What current difficulties are they facing?  You may have to go back to the building rapport step several time,  That’s ok, keep on working at their wall of resistance until it is low enough for you to break through!

Lower their "Wall of Resistance"

Do you ever feel, when you are talking to someone new, that they have their "guard up" or have "built a wall" between you? Of course! We all have. If you think about it, you have probably done the same thing yourself to others. 


Use the rapport you have just built to help the customer feel more at ease. You want them to be comfortable around you. Think about how you feel when you meet someone new, or are walking through the Mall, Flea Market, Art Show, etc. and are approached by a stranger trying to sell you something. What about when that pesky telemarketer calls you?  What would it take for you to buy from them? Keep that in the back of your mind as you are trying to lower your prospect's wall of resistance.


Lower the wall of Resistance. Start directing the conversation towards the product.  Can you see how standoffish they are?  How much are they resistant to you?  How much do they trust you (or not)?   Start addressing any objections or concerns they raise while they are talking to you.  What current difficulties are they facing?  You may have to go back to the building rapport step several time,  That’s ok, keep on working at their wall of resistance until it is low enough for you to break through!


Keep repeating these steps until you have gotten the prospect to a place where there walls are down enough that you have them at ease and can get them to sit down.  Now sell them the product.  Next comes the test close to see if they are ready to buy.  If it is successful - GREAT! Go on to the actual close and complete the sale.  If the test close is not successful then go back to selling. Keep on repeating whatever steps are needed until the test close become a success.

Get Them To Sit Down

Now you have their wall of resistance lowered!  You have built rapport with them and they are interested.  Finally, they are ready to listen to what you have to offer!   In a face to face, this is normally the point that you can get your prospect to sit down.  Over the phone, it is usually the point where your prospect is committed to the conversation and is not about to hang up on you.  Continue to make them feel comfortable and welcomed.  This is the time to get into more details about the product or service you are offering.  It is also the time to try and make sure you are answering any objections or concerns they may have.  Engage them in conversation to make sure you understand their wants and needs.  This is important for the next stage of the sales process where you can highlight the product features that they would be interested in.


At this stage you should already have determined which product is best for your future customer and how you are going to help them realize that they want to buy it.  Now go ahead and sell it to them.  You can do it!


Focus on the features that they will most likely want.  Don’t spend too much time on features that they may not care for (even though you may think they are awesome).  Also be careful not to talk too much and raise objections your future customer may not have thought of yet. do not talk your way OUT of the sale. Continue to pay attention to your prospect. You want to make sure you continue to keep their attention and build interest. Make adjustments to what you are telling them as needed.


You may have to repeat some of the earlier steps of the sales process as different objections or concerns come up.  Make sure you continue to listen carefully so you can respond to the needs and interests of your prospect.


When you think your future customer is ready to buy from you, do a test close.  The difference between a test close and a true close is simple: You give yourself an out.  Instead of saying, “Are you ready to buy?”  You say, “If you decided you wanted to switch, what day would be best for us to set up an appointment? Monday or Friday?”  If the customer responds positively you can go to the actual close.  If they respond negatively, you can find out why and keep working the sale.


When you close with a customer it is important to be confident and professional.  Customers need to feel comfortable giving personal information to you. This is most easily accomplished and maintained by building on the trust you established in the beginning of the sale. You are the professional. You know what you are doing, and you are responsible.  This is the attitude the customer wants to see in you when giving personal information.

Sometimes customers are going to have concerns or questions regarding sharing certain types of information, such as social security numbers or credit cards.  Be sure to be understanding and patient with them.  Respond to their questions in a way that builds confidence and reaffirms their trust in both you and the company you represent.

Let's practice a sample script & learn how to Communicate properly

Grab a pen and a notebook.  Copy down the following outbound telesales script:

"My name is Cassandra from We service Dish, DirecTV, Vonage and CenturyLink. I want to save you an average of $43 on your television bill each month. That is a savings of $516 dollars a year!  In some cases I have even saved people over $800 dollars per year!  Who is your television provider?


How long have you been with them?


What do you like about them?


What don't you like about them?


What kind of shows do you watch?


How many TVs do you have?


How often do you use your DVR?

The example given on the call in the video below was recorded about 4-years ago.  This was originally designed for when we had 3 Outbound Call Centers.  We do Inbound Calls now and we are in the process of making a new video with the latest script.  We don't use that script anymore because we handle inbound sales calls.  So please understand that when you review the video below.  Thank you.

So, what did you think about the script?  What do you think about the video?  Watch it 4 times.  Write down the script 10 times until you fully memorize the script.  Below, you will find more videos on how you should sound when you practice your script.  Watch all of the videos.  After each video, practice the script by reciting it 10 times, again and again.  Do it while facing a mirror.  Record yourself and see how you sound as you smile and practice your script in front of a mirror while being recorded.  Then listen to your recording after you recite each script.

Sales Closes

Perhaps the most important part of the script is the "close." You can give the customer all of the information that they need to make an informed decision, however, if you do not know how to close the deal, all of your efforts will be in vain. There are literally hundreds of different closing techniques that can be used.

No matter how hard you work, how well you prospect and qualify and regardless of how well you design solutions for customers, if you are weak in closing sales, you will suffer in your career. While closing sales comes natural to some, others will benefit from learning how to effectively use proven closing techniques.  While this list of closing techniques is certainly not a complete list, it represents the techniques that have proven to be effective over time. As with learning the features and benefits of your product or service, learning these closing techniques takes time, practice, patience and trust.


If you asked a hundred sales professionals for their best tips on closing a sale, you would get a hundred different responses. You would hear the old school crowd preaching the benefits of the assumptive and Colombo closes. The newer breed would claim that a sale is simply the result of the relationship and rapport that you have built with the customer. While closing techniques are as varied as the sales professionals employing them, there are some tried and true tips to effectively close a sale.


Read through the following sixteen closing techniques. Once you have read through them all, define each of them in your own words and give three examples of each.


Earn the Right

Before you can expect to close a sale, you must first earn the right to ask for the sale. You earn the right by delivering on your promises and by following up on customer questions. You earn the right by showing up for appointments on time, prepared and eager to serve the customer. Focus each call on how you can help the customer instead of what you can get from the customer, and you will eventually earn the right to ask for the sale.


Ask for Next Steps

After any customer call or completed action item, ask the customer what he or she thinks should be the next steps. If they are unsure, make suggestions of next steps that move you closer to a close.  Remember that the next step could be to close the sale. Often times, inexperienced sales professionals add too many steps before trying to close a sale.  


Begin With the End in Mind

Each step you take in a sales cycle should be leading you towards partnering with your customer. With each customer interaction, remind yourself of where you want to go and focus your efforts on moving in that direction. Without knowing where you are going, you may find yourself taking steps that lead you away from closing the sale. Keep focused on your purpose during each step in the sales process.


Give and Receive

In most sales cycles, your customers will ask for something. Whether they ask for information, a lower price, product demonstrations or customer referrals, expect that you will be giving a lot during the sales cycle. A good rule to remember is that you should always ask for something after you give something. For example, if the customer asks for a demonstration, ask for their commitment to move forward to the next steps if the demonstration proves that your product or service will fulfill their need. While it may be better to give than to receive, in the sales world, giving and receiving are both equal players with equal amounts of importance.


Sell More Value

In a price-sensitive market, the winner is the one who is able to show more value than the asked for price. Value is determined not by the market but by your customer. Show them that your product or service has more intrinsic value than the price, and the sale is yours.


Under Promise

A mistake that many rookie sales professionals make is to promise something that they cannot deliver. For example, if you are selling a product that requires the item be shipped, tell the customer when to expect the item and never suggest that you can get it to them sooner than what is realistic. It is better to tell them that delivery will take longer than what it probably will.  


Over Deliver

If you followed tip No. 6, you will have ample opportunity to over deliver. Delivering an item earlier than expected will be seen by most customers as you going above and beyond for them. However, if you've over promised, you've probably set yourself up to under deliver. This creates a diminished sense of value in the customer's mind, making it more challenging for you to close the sale.


Be Nice To Your Enemies

You will have competition in every sale. Competition can come in the form of another company or from the potential of your customer making no decision. If you put down your competition, you immediately put the customer on the defensive. Doing so may cost you the sale. Instead, praise the competition where they are strong and point out where your company outshines everyone else.


Prepare and Plan

If you’ve done your work and have built more perceived value than the price you are asking, it’s time for you to prepare and to plan for the close. Preparing includes gathering all the information, paperwork, forms, etc that the customer will need to move forward. Planning means to anticipate any last minute objections and how you will respond to them.


Close Your Mouth

The golden rule in sales is simple: "After a closing question is asked, the first person who talks, loses." In other words, if you've earned the right to ask for a sale, ask for the sale then say nothing. Rookie sales professionals often talk themselves into and out of a sale. Their excitement and nervousness put their mouths on auto-drive and they often end up either missing a buying signal or, worse yet, keep talking and end up bringing up something that the customer hadn't thought about yet. New thoughts in a closing situation usually result in sales delays.


The temptation to talk is great but once you learn how to resist the temptation and how to close your mouth, your sales closing percentages will increase.


Understanding closing techniques is important, but there are no magic words to guarantee that you make the sale. You must start by helping your customer identify his needs and then demonstrating that your product or service offers an affordable solution that addresses those needs. With that foundation, a good closing will help you cement the deal and grow your sales business.


Below you will find sixteen of the most used closing techniques. Research each one on the internet. Define them. Come up with examples of how to use them.

Opinions Count

Adding the phrase “in your opinion ...” to a question softens the reply if the customer has an objection. “In your opinion, will this solve your problem?” If the customer says no, it's an opinion, not a fact, and you can address his concern. This is a great trial close to use as the sales cycle progresses so that you don't encounter any surprises when it's time to wrap up the deal.


Sharp Angle Close

When the customer asks for a concession, whether it is price, delivery or additional features, respond by asking, “If I can do that for you today, will you sign a purchase order?” This is an important closing question – if you agree without asking a for close, then the customer has an open door to continue asking for concessions.


Assumptive Close

The Assumptive Close helps put the sales professional in a better state of mind as they assume that the customer is going to make a purchase. As long as the sales pro makes sure that they cover each step of the sales process and provides enough value to the customer, assuming that the sale will close is a powerful and highly effective closing technique. If you learn only one close, this is the one to learn.

If you have an established relationship with the customer and he respects your judgment, jot down the items he is considering on an order form as you are discussing his needs. When the timing is right, put an X on the signature line, hand it to the customer and say, “Here.” Then be quiet.


Something for Nothing

A free add-on may be gimmicky, but it can work if handled correctly. “I happen to have an extra charger with me. If you sign off on the order today, I'll throw it in at no charge.” If the customer feels that they are getting something for free, something that (they believe) noone else is getting, they will feel special and may be more inclined to buy from you.


Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin is said to have made decisions by creating a list with two columns – the pros and the cons – and basing his choice on the longer column. This approach works well with analytical personalities. If you use it as a closing technique, just be sure you have a lot of benefits in the customer's "pro" column.


The Porcupine

You must be careful stroking a porcupine and you must also be careful answering customer questions. When your prospect asks a question like “Does it come in red?” answer by tossing  back the question: “Would you like it in red?” Her answer will give you a measure of the depth of her interest and help you adjust your presentation appropriately.


Impending Event

If you truly have a deadline or reason for the customer to make a quick decision, the impending event close works well. “I have an installation crew in town next week. Can we schedule a day with you?” If the deadline is in your interest and not the customer's, it will be seen as self-serving and will not work.


Solicit Objections

If you have gone through the discovery phase of the sales cycle and are confident that the customer understands that your product or service addresses her needs, then ask for the sale by asking for an objection. "Is there any reason why we can't proceed with the shipment?" This oblique approach allows the customer to raise any final objections -- if she has one -- without

saying no to the sale.


Level With Me

As you approach the end of the selling process and the customer says he wants to think about it, ask him to get to the point: “Level with me. Have I failed to show you the value that you will receive from your investment?” Then be quiet.


Direct Close

When you have addressed the customer's concerns and you are confident that she knows the value of your product or service, then pose the question directly, "So, Mary, are you ready to place the order?" Use this closed-ended, yes-or-no question only if you are very confident that the answer will be affirmative.


The Columbo Close

Not only was the TV character Columbo a fantastic police detective, he was also a wonderful sales coach. And while few would ever see Columbo as a sales professional, his one famous line has lead to more sales closes than most any other line in sales history.


Just one more thing, Columbo's famous line, opens doors, removes guards and allows you a glimpse into the unprotected mind of your customer.


The Puppy Dog Close

Few can resist the cuteness of a puppy. And for those sales professionals who have the option of allowing their prospects to "test drive" or "trial" their product, the Puppy Dog close has a very high closure rate. Though there are several things, some controllable and some not, that the sales pro must consider, using a Puppy Dog close is a low pressure, highly effective method to get a customer to sign on the bottom line.


If you've ever purchased a car, the sales professional most likely employed the puppy dog close on you and probably never knew he was using this technique. But once you are aware of the technique, how to use it and when not to use it, you'll see your sales numbers steadily improve.


The Backwards Close

Most every sales professional was taught that sales cycles follow a pre-determined number of steps. Those in sales should start at step 1 and do everything they professionally can to move all the way to the final step. But what if they started at the final step and asked for referrals? This is the Backwards Closing Technique that starts where most sales end.


It is not the easiest, smoothest or most predictable closing technique, but, when used by a pro, can be one of the most effective.


The Hard Close

Hard closing demands a lot of courage and confidence and should only be used when you have nothing to lose. While people generally love to buy things, most hate being sold to. And when it comes to the hard close, customers are well aware that you are selling them something. But despite its negative reputation, sometimes the hard close is the best closing technique to use. As long as you use it correctly.


While many sales professionals believe that they should close often and early, hard closing should only be used when you have nothing to lose and never should be used too early in the sales cycle.


The Relationship Close

The golden rule in sales states that if a customer likes you, they will find a reason to buy from you. Conversely, if a customer does not like you, they will find a reason not to buy from you. Building a relationship with a customer is a sure way to not only close a sale but to create a long-term customer.


Unless what you sell is a "one and done" type of product or service, learning how to build rapport with your customers is the most powerful closing tool you will ever enjoy using. The biggest danger in building solid relationships with your customers is that you may end up being uncomfortable building any profit in your deals.


The Takeaway Close

Let's face it, we hate when things are taken away from us. Go and try to take the proverbial candy away from a baby and you'll get a very loud example of one simple fact: No one likes having things taken from them. Whether it is something you own or something that you want to own.


But did you know that taking things away from your prospects can actually be used as a closing technique? As with all closing techniques, the take away close takes a disciplined professional to know how and when to use it correctly. If used too often or too early, you'll end up negatively affecting your margin. Like every other sale, the Take Away Close is not the "end all, be all" close. Learn it and, more importantly, learn when to use it.

The example given on the call in the video below was recorded about 4-years ago.  This was originally designed for when we had 3 Outbound Call Centers.  We do Inbound Calls now and we are in the process of making a new video with the latest script.  We don't use that script anymore because we handle inbound sales calls.  So please understand that when you review the video below.  Thank you.

Follow Up

The sale is not the end of your relationship with your customer.  After you have closed the sale, there are still things to do.  You’re not done. You just spent a lot of time with a prospect building rapport and trust.  Don’t let all that effort go to waste!  Follow up with the customer!  Ask for referrals!  Get them other products or services you offer!  Your first sale can be the start of a beautiful sales relationship!


You always want to follow up to see how they are doing.  Are they enjoying the product? Was everything installed correctly?  Do they have any questions, concerns, or comments?  Is there anything else they need?


Always use each follow up as an opportunity to see what else you can sell to the customer.   Did they purchase satellite? Great!  They might be in need of a surge protector! Did they buy an expensive television to watch all of their great movies on?  Perhaps they want a security system to protect it and other valuable in the house?


Ask for referrals. They can refer their neighbors, friends, family - anyone they might know that could use your service.  Referrals are one of the best ways to get new customers and build a client base.  Always show appreciation to your customer for referring someone. This encourages them to do it again.

Contact us and let us know how you are doing

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